It is important that before you head off for leave that you make sure when you come back to work you will be ready to get into it right away. Here are just a couple of tips for you before you finish for the holidays: Don't change your password. You are unlikely to remember it when you…
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The Best Protection

What is the best protection against hackers, malware, or any other nefarious attack on you and your data? The answer is simple, YOU. Just as having the most secure lock on your front door relies on you actually closing the door and locking it. The reality is that you are the best protection against access…
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Data Protection and GDPR

You would well be aware of GDPR due to the flood of email traffic from every site on the internet updating their terms and conditions to meet the EU's GDPR laws that have come into action over the recent weeks. GDPR is the European Union's General Data Protection Law aimed and better protecting individual's personal…
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Spectre and Meltdown Notification

Many of you may have seen in the media or heard form a friend about the computer vulnerability called Spectre and Meltdown. This is a significant vulnerability in the sense that it impacts a very large amount of devices from Computers, Phones, Laptops and tablets. The threat that has been discovered is at a very…
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