From the MTI Business Services family to your business and family we hope that this Christmas is Meaningful, Safe and Enjoyable for all. Recently a former staff member Jason lost a child from his family. It is a reminder of the importance of family and that life is very fragile and fleeting. So we deeply hope that this time of year is safe, and that any celebrations you have are deeply meaningful for all.
We value your business and have enjoyed serving your IT business needs over the past year.

MTI will be closed on all public holidays and running with a reduced staff between Monday 24th of December and January 4th. Should you require urgent support over this time please follow the normal methods to engage with us, by emailing and/or phoning 0390388803. Our staff will be happy to assist.
2019 is already shaping up to be a great year for MTI and we hope that MTI can be a part of all your plans for growth throughout the year.