
Data Protection and GDPR

You would well be aware of GDPR due to the flood of email traffic from every site on the internet updating their terms and conditions to meet the EU's GDPR laws that have come into action over the recent weeks. GDPR is the European Union's General Data Protection Law aimed and better protecting individual's personal…
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Maximise your 365 Subscriptions

Do you have Office 365?  Do you use it to it's fullest? It is growing all the time.  A new feature available in 365 is Microsoft Forms. Microsoft Forms can be used to create surveys, gather data, or to log data.  Check it out in your account by logging into http// and send out a…
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Spectre and Meltdown Notification

Many of you may have seen in the media or heard form a friend about the computer vulnerability called Spectre and Meltdown.  This is a significant vulnerability in the sense that it impacts a very large amount of devices from Computers, Phones, Laptops and tablets. The threat that has been discovered is at a very…
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MTI WiFi as a Service

As technology moves ahead, more devices come equipped with the ability to connect to a WiFi network (WLAN).  In turn the reliability of a WiFi network becomes increasingly important. Introducing MTI’s WiFi aaS   MTI’s WiFi As A Service (aaS) is a fully managed service that allows your business to maximise the potential of using a…
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